Mairaro Kanavatoa

The Too Perfect Alibi, Sheepskin, Harmony Inc, Gooseberries, Alyssum

Te Atiawa, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou

Bachelor of Screen ArtsScreen Arts Animation

Undercover animation student trying to blend in on the student film set.
On Earnest's set, having a lot of fun with the bro.
Recording the car!

Bachelor of Screen Arts

Screen Arts Animation
I worked in the audio departments, doing post-editing and set recording for four films: 'Alyssum', 'The Too Perfect Alibi', 'Harmony Inc.', and 'Sheepskin'. I also worked as lead texture artist, animator and modeler for the game 'Gooseberries'. These roles have allowed me to expand my knowledge beyond the requirements to graduate, and have opened a realistic opportunity for me to enter a wider range of jobs in the entertainment industry.
Exhibition location
Block 1 Level D