Gasina Pornpipatkul

Requiem Lullaby

Bachelor of Design with HonoursConcept Design

A scene from the webcomic 'Requiem Lullaby' episode 1
An opening scene where Daem (the protagonist) saw a mysterious entity in his dream.
A scene where Daem preparing for his performance to the god.
A scene where Daem is on his way to his only stage to perform the song he composed for the god.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Concept Design
A fictional character's action once inspired me, and I became passionate about sharing my creative work to inspire and empower others. 'Requiem Lullaby' is a webcomic project that focuses on characterisation within narrative and how impactful character actions could affect not only the development of the story but the lives of the audience themselves.This project follows the emotional development of an emotionless being, Daem, as he gains emotional agency.

Email address

Online Portfolio


Exhibition location
Block 12 Level D