Megan Coates


Te Āti Awa

Bachelor of Design with HonoursConcept Design

Final keyscene in the series of five. The Pirate Queen commanding her ships onward, to new lands and adventures.
The Pirate Queen costume design represents the character’s; acceptance of her past, rebirth, and renewal. 
Costume design line-up of five key moments in the characters narrative journey.
Keyscene line-up of five key moments in the characters narrative journey.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Concept Design
I have created a visual development book as proof of concept for an animated series, 'Skyward'; a fantasy adaptation of the story of historical figure Zheng Yi Sao. I wanted to explore how costume design can express a character's development throughout a narrative, enriched by cultural, societal, and environmental contexts. I designed a series of five costumes from key moments throughout the story, each accompanied by a key scene. 


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Exhibition location
Block 12 Level D