Excerpt from 'I wonder if our Great-Great-Grandfather used Gorse fences?' Jack Ellery and Elvis Booth-Claveria. Two-Channel Video, Audio. 14:22
Still from 'I wonder if our Great-Great-Grandfather used Gorse fences?'. Jack Ellery and Elvis Booth-Claveria. Two-Channel Video, Audio. 14:22
Still from 'I wonder if our Great-Great-Grandfather used Gorse fences?' Jack Ellery and Elvis Booth-Claveria. Two-Channel Video, Audio. 14:22
The Shining Cuckoo lays in spring' (1/3). Wax, Gorse, hair, thread, lit plinth. Jack Ellery and Elvis Booth-Claveria
Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours
Fine Arts
I am a multi-media artist currently exploring embodied performance, moving image, audio, sculpture and installation. Oscillating between immersion and detachment, I aim to unpack human/nonhuman entanglements by embracing the body as an active agent of meaning. I situate my practice within the cultural and historical contexts of Aotearoa, exploring my position as a queer, pākehā male navigating intersections of identity, space, and time.