Kaia Waite

kia whakamuri te haere whakamua

Ngā Puhi, Te Rarawa

Bachelor of Fine Arts with HonoursFine Arts

kia whakamuri te haere whakamua
kia whakamuri te haere whakamua
kia whakamuri te haere whakamua

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

Fine Arts
Kaia Waite (she/her) (Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tahu, Te Rarawa) is a painter exploring the interplay of process, materiality, and ambiguity. Using a laser cutter, she intricately inscribes patterns into wood, blending traditional Māori motifs with contemporary techniques. Her work reinterprets and challenges cultural narratives, reflecting her evolving Māori identity. This creative journey serves as a vehicle for self-discovery and cultural resonance, transforming her art into a meaningful expression of her heritage.


Email address

Exhibition location
Block 2 Level D and E