Sara Isabel Fernández

Zoro and The Guardians of Chiribiquete

Master of DesignMaster of Design

Poster of the Cristal Jaguar as a symbol for Chiribiquete National Park.
Line-up of all three guardians: Jaguar / Tepuy, Eagle / Admosferic River, Anaconda / Water River.
Melidé Guardian of the River, an emphasis on female representation within the project.
Explorations of the head of the Eagle, using spirals to represent admosferic rivers.

Master of Design

Creatures and their stories can inspire empathy, encouraging people to connect with and care for unique places. This project presents the design of three creatures for a VR location-based experience, inspired by 'Zoro', a children's book written by Jairo Aníbal Niño. As a vertical slice of a larger initiative, it aims to foster a sense of belonging to Chiribiquete National Park, the largest tropical rainforest park in the world.

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Exhibition location
Block 12 Level C