Ambrose Hill

A Strata of Ancient Stellar History: The Northern Constellations

Bachelor of Design with HonoursPhotography

Andromeda (the Woman Chained) as visualised through her astrological connotations as described in the Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy.
Draco (the Dragon) as a constellation as described and recognised by the International Astronomical Union.
Draco (the Dragon) as visualised with data from Claudius Ptolemy’s star chart in his book the Almagest.
Draco (the Dragon) as visualised through their astrological connotations as described in the Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

A Strata of Ancient Stellar History' examines the interwoven layers of beliefs that pervade over the early formation of astronomy. Focusing upon the work of Claudius Ptolemy, a prevalent Greek academic living in second century Alexandria, I have been able to identify, separate out and visually respond to these layers of belief, drawing out questions of why our perception of the universe that we inhabit is the way that it is.


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Exhibition location
Block 2 Level D